Rave Reviews for Best Laid Plans:
“Best Laid Plans,” a provocative world premiere from Vantage Theatre, offers insight on inner vision and innovation. Starring outstanding Blake Stadnik, the blind actor from TV’s “This is Us,” as a newly blind architect who’s guided by a fellow creative spirit: Beethoven (excellent Richard Trujillo). Expertly written by Robert Salerno and forcefully directed by Sam Woodhouse, this one’s a winner. See it!” — Pat Launer
“Compelling”… “Inspiring.”
“Performed with dignity and commitment by Stadnik.”
“Trujillo is a powerful and irresistible force.“
“Best Laid Plans feels so authentic and will elicit such serious thought and empathy from an audience.“
–David Coddon, Stage West
“The play is entertaining, uplifting and enlightening”
“Thoughtful and funny”
“Stadnik brings fury, intensity and pain to the role of Lucas… delivers a multilayered and emotionally charged performance ”
“great chemistry between the two lead actors”
–San Diego Union-Tribune
View audience reactions

Blake Stadnik and Richard Trujillo (Photo Steve Murdock)

Blindness, Bravery, Beethoven
Vantage Theatre Presents the World premiere of BEST LAID PLANS by Robert Salerno. Inspired by a true story, a brilliant young architect has surgery for a brain tumor and wakes up unexpectedly blind. Alone, lost, and despondent, he cannot envision a path back to life, much less architecture… Then Beethoven shows up!
Blake Stadnik, a well-known blind actor (some might remember him from the series This Is US as Jack, Kate’s blind infant who grows up to become a famous rock musician), is playing the lead role. “Lucas’s story is one of transformation after his world comes crashing down. Through facing fear and uncertainty, he discovers a far more compassionate, mindful, and creative version of himself. I’m very excited to help bring him to life.”
Salerno has had a lifelong connection with the disabled community and was drawn to the story of Chris Downey, the real-life blind architect who overcame the odds. “Losing an essential part of oneself that is integral to one’s life work is devastating. Thinking of people who adapt, change direction and find meaningful lives despite such a loss brings to mind the quintessential example of sheer energy, heroic fortitude, and creative genius. This is, of course, Ludwig van Beethoven, who acts as Lucas’s guide on the journey from tragedy to triumph. After all, Beethoven composed the best music of his life after he became completely deaf.”
The extra surprise was casting Beethoven. After auditioning many fine actors, Richard Trujillo seemed to have a special affinity for the role of the deaf composer. At the time he won the role, we were completely unaware that he has sclerosis of the cochlea and, without special hearing aids, is deaf. Was this a mere coincidence? These brilliant actors demonstrate one of the central themes of the play: that “disability does not mean inability.” Rounding out the cast is Lee Ann Kim, previous anchor of ABC 10 news and Steve Murdock, the new AD of PowPac.
“I’m looking forward to attending Best Laid Plans,” said architect Chris Downey. “It mirrors some of my journey, though I never met Beethoven! I came to realize that the creative process is an intellectual process, walking through buildings, experiencing them in a different way, hearing the architecture and feeling the space. I am absolutely convinced I’m a better architect today than I was sighted. It took my disability and turned it upside down. All of a sudden it defined a unique, unusual value that virtually nobody else had to offer. I believe in what’s called universal design —that accommodates people with disabilities but is just as appealing to people without them.”
Director Sam Woodhouse (Founder and Artistic Director of San Diego Rep) was lured out of retirement after participating in a reading of the play. “I love stories where we meet powerful personalities who are faced with daunting and even near impossible challenges. And I love it when these everyday heroes find inspirational and surprising ways to rise to meet these challenges. In the case of BEST LAID PLANS, we walk with a brilliant architect who is discovering the very first draft of his altogether brand-new life. The play incorporates visual and auditory elements to create an environment where the audience can experience the world of the blind. Finding new ways to translate words on a page to movement in this world is an exciting prospect.”
“Producing theatre that provides an ‘AHA’ moment is our mission,” said Vantage Theatre’s Executive Artistic Director Dori Salois. “I knew when I read the play that whoever plays the part of Lucas must have an authentic understanding of the character’s challenges. Blake is such a good fit for the lead character, since there are many parallels to his own life journey. Having found his way through unexpected adversity to pursue his artistic gift, Mr. Stadnik is a trailblazer for the differently abled actor.
Coordinating the logistics of the production, bringing Blake, his wife Anne, and of course his wonderful service dog Sherlock from the East Coast to San Diego can be daunting. Thankfully, the Sofia Hotel came on board to host them, where Sherlock can check in to get his daily treat from the concierge.
See recent article https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/2024/08/23/vantage-theatres-world-premiere-play-best-laid-plans-to-explore-triumphing-over-adversity
and listen to the radio interview:https://www.jazz88.org/MP3/IA082524BestLaidPlans.mp3
Local TV coverage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FJ6dY_M9bxBG2U7_Br2SPDfrUB-uG1Be/view
BEST LAID PLANS : Preview Aug 29th Opens Aug 30th thru Sept 22nd. Fridays 7:30 pm, Saturdays 3pm and 7:30pm, Sundays 3pm at Tenth Avenue Arts Center 930 Tenth Avenue San Diego, Ca 92101.
Tickets: https://theatrevantage.ticketspice.com/best-laid-plans
Vantage Theatre
Theatre From a Different Vantage Point