ORPHEUS: (early 20's) Visionary, idealistic, magically talented,. The leading rock star of the late 60's. Consumed with his mission and his vision. Lives in two worlds.  
  ARISTAEUS: (mid 20's) His clever, cynical, scheming brother. Worldly wise.  
  EURYDICE: (early 20's) Orpheus's soul mate. Grace with uncompromising innocence. Intuitive.  
  APOLLO: (mid 30's) Golden boy of the Gods. Great at everything, esp. Music, Healing, Prophecy. Earth advocate. Straight and true.  
  DIONYSUS: (45) God of Wine and bitter Rival of Apollo. Likes a good time and a good fight.  
  ATHENA: (mid 20's) Goddess of Wisdom and Protector of Heroes. Earnestly assertive. Has a secret crush on Apollo.  
  ZEUS: (late 50's) Trying to balance administration of Olympus with his own lusty pursuits.  
  HERMES: (late 30's) A wiseguy who always complains about being overworked. Bitchy and sarcastic.  
  ARES: (early 30's) Frat-boy War God.  
  APHRODITE:(30-ish) Sexy Goddess of Love. Marilyn in a toga.  
  HADES: (80's) God of the Underworld as a cranky, slightly senile, old Jewish guy from NYC.  
  PERSEPHONE: (late 40's) Hadassah Queen of the Underworld.
  HECTOR: (11) A street savvy inner-city kid, inspired to rise from the East Village.  
  SAMAEL: (40's) Record Company Executive. Slick, powerfully evil. The Devil in an Armani suit.
  HYDRA: (late 20's) Sexy Seductress. A monster under the control of evil forces.  
  CLYMENE: (late teens) Archetypal, sweet flower child.  
  MAENADS: (late teens) Punk lesbian band with a bad attitude and poor impulse control.
MAGISTRATE: (early 50's) Ringmaster of the Universe as game show host.
JOAN: (late teens) French country girl.
HYPATIA: (late 40's) Martyr of Alexandria.
GANDHI: (78) Hindu Hero.
SOCRATES: (69) Greek Gadfly.
M. L. KING: (39) Minister of Humanity.
PROMETHEUS: (20-ish) New Teen idol.
  ARGONAUTS (JASON, PELEUS, POLLUX) (early 20's) Band members.  
  DOCTOR: Played by actor who plays Hades
NURSE: Played by actor who plays Persephone.